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  • Graphic Design & Print Marketing


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A Tribe that discusses graphic design for both web and print, but with a primary focus on print. Print could be business cards and brochures, all the way to wedding invitations and photos printed on framed canvas. Share your best tips, tutorials, and examples of your work.
I had a random question that I got from a client (bride) of mine.  She ordered Save the Date magnets (which you guys printed and they looked great) and she just let me...
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You may encounter many newsletters throughout the month. They are distributed by organizations/companies to their subscribers with the purpose of encouraging...
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With digital metallic ink printing, the door opens to a whole new realm of possibilities for print marketing. Though it may not fit with the branding and image of all...
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Want to stay ahead of the trends for your 2016 wedding invitation designs? Here are the wedding themes that are gaining popularity and holding strong for next...
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The weather is colder and the snow is starting to fly. If you’re thinking that the feather flags you’ve been using during the warmer months won’t work for winter,...
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