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  • Life Unplanned Parenting, Lifestyle, and Blogging Tips

Let's play a game. Anyone remember 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? The rules are simple. Through 6 people or less, you can find your own connection to Kevin Bacon. Only this...
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In the spring of 1999, I walked into a hangar at Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois and adjusted my eyes to the sea of white, as I searched for one particular...
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I was facing a dilemma that I am sure most spouses have encountered before. What do I buy for my husband for his birthday? For his last two or three birthdays, I have...
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Photo by Denise Karis from Unsplash The new year celebration just passed and I bet you are excited about sticking to your new year resolutions. You’re so so sure that...
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Looking for a way to spend more quality time with your children while also pulling them away from their screens and getting them outdoors? Try volunteering outside in...
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