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There is nothing worse than not being able to get a good night's sleep. When one night of sleep deprivation builds up to two or three nights, or even two or three weeks,...
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When you think of a lion, what do you think of? A wild and majestic but ferocious animal that's capable of killing you with one swift swipe of a huge claw? Yep, that's...
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1. Not a parrot! It's a woman covered inĀ  body paint by artist 2. When you stare at the black plus sign for 10 seconds, The purple dots disappear. 3. It looks like...
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The post Have You Seen The New Google Self-Driving Car? No Steering Wheel, You Sit, Relax, Amazing appeared first on
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Amelia Schwartz is a teenager who has a unique connection with animals. Since she was a child, she has always been close with animals and had pet cats and dogs, and even...
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