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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

I am a book blogger that loves to help promote new books and review as many as I can. The genres I usually read is a contemporary romance, dark romance, chick-lit, comedy, action, thriller, m/m romance, f/f romance, m/f/m romance, high-school romance, supernatural).
Title: UndeniablySeries: Brighton Academy #3Author: Cala RileyGenre: New Adult RomanceRelease Date: June 10, 2020BlurbThere was only one woman in the world who had the...
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Dark Humor/ComedyDate Published: 6/10/2020"In the past five years, I’ve lost four grandparents, three uncles, two aunts, three cousins, five classmates, and my...
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Kristin The Return of the Blue Blood Series Book 1 by Stacy Eaton Genre: Paranormal Romance It’s been forty years since the gang was together...
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Self -helpDate Published: 20.4.20 20th April 2020Publisher: Change Empire BooksF-Bomb Affirmations is the self-help book for people who are fed the f•ck up with...
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Lightning: Saga of the Savage The Heroship Book 1 by ISM Stephensbailey Genre: Urban Fantasy Alea is struggling. Her father died the Christmas she...
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