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     "You make the best tea," I tell her. "I sure did," she says and goes off to make more of the imaginary drink. An idea comes to my mind.       "Okay, sure. I...
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Coastal Noise founder and podcast host. Blues guitarist singer-songwriter. Photographer. Health & fitness enthusiast.   **Facebook**
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A few shots from the last couple weeks. You can see  more on my Photography page.  Came home and this bird was all up in my house. He was pretty chill, but I...
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Coastal Noise founder and podcast host. Blues guitarist singer-songwriter. Photographer. Health & fitness enthusiast.   **Facebook**
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This experiment involved 5 monkeys (10 altogether, including replacements), a cage, a banana, a ladder and, an ice cold water hose. The Experiment- Part 1 5 monkeys are...
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