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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Servant leaders understand that leadership isn’t authentic without service, compassion, and love. Our message is simple: Leadership is Love.

Through that message, we empower global voices, young and young at heart. To build a world of ‘we’ through wisdom, service, community-action, friendship, sharing, connection and synergy! We’re making a better world. Together.

We’re working together to move our world to a place of hope, joy and possibility.

Through Triberr, Servant Leaders are empowering each other by sharing the blog posts of other servant leaders through our Twitter accounts.

This tribe is not a tribe that is about advancing you. It is about advancing hope, joy and possibility.
The gap between expectations and reality can be a big source of frustration when leading or managing. So how can you close that gap for the future?The post How To Deal...
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We talk a lot about the theory of leadership, but what about leadership in action? How do we put the theory into practice? We watch people; we make assessments about...
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Seeking the best definition of leadership is a bit like trying to find the best definition of beauty: it has many interpretations, although we know it when we see it. It...
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Reflect on the question: Is honesty always the best policy? Few would argue with the importance of open and honest communication in healthy relationships. Perhaps...
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Have you taken the time to get clear for yourself why you want to be a leader? Or, are you waiting to get to a particular level or actually have people reporting to you...
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