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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Share about everything that single mothers go through, from careers and dating to time-outs and the first day of school. Let's talk about fashion, health, finances, teaching our children, personal growth, and just living life: single mom style
As we know from lessons learned, its not uncommon for guys to fall off the dating radar. Things are going great, then they disappear without so much as a breadcrumb...
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That’s right, I have bed bugs AGAIN!!! Found out last week. I wasn’t sure until I saw the distinctive bite marks on Hana—in groups of 3 or a straight line. The...
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I’m on the left, and Pam is on the right. I got the term “my person” off of the show Grey’s Anatomy, but you probably know what I’m talking about even if...
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A few weeks ago, Hana and I had a playdate at her friend’s house. The kids played with the kids, and the adults hung out. Most parents drop one kid off at the...
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I chaperoned the last field trip of the school year last week. It was exhausting! Hana had been bugging me for a while to chaperon a field trip, and there were so many...
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