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I am no Bear Grylls, lets get that clear straight right away. I love the outdoors, the bracing wind, getting down and dirty with nature and all that it can throw at us....
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Without a doubt, London is a perfect city to explore on foot. If you want proof of that then the first in our London walking challenges, see Walk the Circle Line,...
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It's listed in the 50 things to do before you're 113/4 by the National Trust. It's a hobby that dates back in history as far as Ancient China. It has health benefits,...
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Instagram Crazy!I'm going Instagram crazy at the moment! Photographing everything I can, creating stories. It's great fun, helped of course by modern technology and the...
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The Challenge'Set yourself some challenges', I said to myself. 'Push the boundaries a little,' 'try to explore London without spending much money.' All thoughts that...
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