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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

It's a little word that means a great deal to those who have special needs kids - because their kids are pretty awesome, if you just look past the diagnosis and see the kid underneath it all. As folks who blog about our very awesome kids or about awesome kids in any way, this is a tribe to belong to, one where we can support and promote each other in an easy, automatic way.

I ask all members to blog mostly about special needs or related parenting, awareness, or advocacy issues, but we all have a real life so don't feel it has to be all or nothing! We want to integrate social sharing here, so we'll support each other beyond Twitter AND pull in folks to follow this amazing tribe who want to share about the awesomeness we care so much about!

Whether you join the tribe as a blogger or follow the tribe as a supporter - we'd love to have you!

#Active members only
I feel the topic of loneliness and isolation has made a frequent appearance on my blog over the last few years. It's woven into many posts, and has been the center...
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It's getting to be be the latter part of October. The leaves are beginning to fall quickly from the trees and the colors are changing from olive greens to yellows and...
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I've never been an overly friendly neighbor. I wouldn't say I am not friendly at all, just maybe not social? I'm not going to want to chat every time I see my neighbors...
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Ahhh... February. The tail end of winter. Where I live it tends to be the harshest, most wintry, winter time there is most years, all squished up into the smallest...
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I've never done well with new year's resolutions. I don't think I have ever even made a serious attempt to make any. I think a lot about it. I think a lot about a lot of...
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