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Journalism, as we know it, is going to hell in a handbasket. There's no denying it anymore. And it sure is serious. Journalism is the Fourth Estate, and we all depend on...
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"The press release is dead," some say. Well, calm down. Businesses will have to issue official statements to the general public in the future, too. Neatly packaged...
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So this tweet has been doing the rounds on social media lately, and quite a few dear friends have decided to put their lives in my hands. And yes, tagging me is...
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Why do people follow other people? Most businesses aren’t paying much attention to the why question. Instead, they focus more on the how — how do I get people...
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This article originally appeared on Idea Hunt. In my day job, I help companies of all sizes to reach greater audiences and get those audiences buzzing. With limited...
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