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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

We share tips for Bloggers and Small Businesses to improve their traffic.

We accept posts about Content Marketing & Strategy, SEO, Social and other relevant topics.
If you are like me you are extremely pedantic about measuring so since I’ve had access to Twitter Analytics I’ve been given a humble awakening to the truth about...
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If you’ve seen the statistics then you will know that businesses will be increasing their content marketing budget over the next 12 months by an average of 60%...
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The truth is a portion of hustle and a lot of consistency, a flair for creativity and these 6 expert content marketing tips! Note: I recently decided I’d love to...
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If you perform content marketing regularly, then you'll know all about the benefits of borrowing an audience to become an authority. I know, you probably do this...
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There have been a few attempts to define structured content strategy. In times passed, people used this to refer to creating content for different devices....
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