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Hi there again, 2020. Some of us finally have the guts to face you, stand up, and get creative again! I believe the following guide to find the perfect place to live and...
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Happy New DECADE! Hola hola, I'm BACK—and with a crazy, exciting, emotional series of photo essays summarizing my past 10 years living and traveling solo...
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Things To Do in Myanmar: Top Tourist Attractions and Itinerary Ideas was first published on on November 2016. However, ALL these Burma...
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September, 2014. The bottomless pit of heartbreak and the high, limitless skies. Dizzying jet lag and altitude change. Intense pain and adrenaline. A Batu paragliding...
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It was bound to be an ugly day in Koh Tao for me, even despite the fact that ?I was closing off an incredible year in Asia. I learned a new language after being awarded...
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