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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is designed for those who are new here and have >1000 followers on Twitter and for those who actively share posts. This doesn't mean that you have to share every post, but it does mean that you are active on both Triberr and Twitter.
Happy sharing!
If you’ve read the description of Ground Truth, then you know the premise centers around Hanna Campbell, who sees her long lost sister in a crowd—a sister...
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UNESCO World Heritage Sites are natural treasures that belong to all of humanity. They represent some amazing feats of engineering and cultural history. As tourists, it...
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I’m currently hard at work getting the next Michael Flint novel ready for you – Ground Truth, which releases June 20th! To get you excited about this next...
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Traveling can be one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences in life. However, if you’re not careful with your spending, you might end up remembering it for...
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In the beginning of Bulletproof Jack, a dead body shows up on Kim Otto’s doorstep, introducing a new mystery to solve. But earlier in the evening before this...
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