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UPSers Registration !!

UPSers.Com allows creation & submission at new company e-mail addresses, along with Log-In button as corporate email systems.

To open UPSers, Registration is required. For Registration, User must follow these Instructions on Portal.

- Go to

- Next, select a language.

- Then, Enter New User-Id and Pin.

- Next, tap Log In.

- on, read and accept terms.

- For security purposes, You need to select challenge questions and answer it.

- Finally, create a strong password.

UPSers.Com allows creation & submission at new company e-mail addresses, along with Log-In button as corporate email systems.

When you try to Login to UPSers. For the First Time, a User will be asked to answer a security question. After Sign Up is Completed, You will be directed to Dashboard.

Online sales have opened the doors of business to sell not only to customers in your city but to the entire state, the country and the entire world international shipping. But as we have said from the beginning the UPSerscom, selling is easy. For many small online businesses, shipping a package internationally and understanding all the associated rules, regulations, and risks can be daunting.

Do not worry! For that we are the experts, we want to clarify all your doubts and provide you with the best possible information so that you know everything about how international shipments work and what you need to know in order to make such shipments correctly.

Note: in this article we talk about international parcel shipments , focusing mainly on shipments from Mexico to the USA and Canada. We will soon have more articles about international shipping and shipments to other countries

First of all you should know your products and, based on their characteristics, and as we international shipping discussed at the beginning of the article, it is important that you check whether your product should pay taxes. There are products, such as tequila, that in some countries cannot be shipped with more than 40% alcohol. Do not forget to check the tariff fraction to know this information.

For international package shipments, the packaging of your product must be new, it cannot be reused and the material must be allowed to enter other countries. Typically, it is in a cardboard box or a plastic or metal international shipping. You must declare the content, value and reason for your shipments. This information must be 100% real and honest, since it is the one that will be taken into account at customs.

In our support article you can find more detailed information about the documents necessary international shipping to export your products, just click on the following link:

Nowadays it is a myth to say that making international shipments is very complicated, the reality is that it is not so complicated, and much less when you can have a logistics team like my shipping that is in charge of reviewing all the documentation for your international shipment, in addition to offer you fixed rates.

We invite you to quote your shipment with us, just click on the following link to fill out the international shipping form and obtain your estimated rate.

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