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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Writers of various genres supporting each other, networking amongst the cacti and endless landscape of Arizona.
Hi y’all. Ready for Christmas? I’m not Here’s an opportunity for a gift: one of Melissa Snark’s back list titles in celebration of her new release, Battle Cry,...
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It’s that time again…already! I always tell myself I’m going to get all my shopping done early. So much for best intentions. While you’re out getting ready for...
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Happy Halloween!! Love this! For my final entry in my Ghoulish Tens, I tackle the Master of Horror television series. Airing for two seasons in 2005 to 2006 on Showtime,...
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A new release from J.C. McKenzie featuring a Tempest! I’ve yet to read a paranormal featuring one so I’m intrigued LON RIDES THE WAVES, LIVES BY THE TIDES, AND...
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It’s time for another list, this time featuring our favorite, ghoulish movie monsters. I’m not including Godzilla, Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, King Kong,...
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