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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Home to geeks that love the written word and want to make an impact with them. That is all.
How can non-fiction writers up their game? Learn the tricks and techniques of fiction writers! If fiction writers tell stories, what do nonfiction writers do? They tell...
Devrat Chawla
Devrat Chawla 7 months ago
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February is National Library Lovers Month in the USA. And February 14 is a very special day for lovers…of libraries! February 14 is Valentines Day, the day for...
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Nothing inspires a writer more than really good writing. Except, of course, really good motivational quotes about writing and books. Looking for motivational quotes to...
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November is National Memoir Writing Month. It’s the perfect time to start writing your autobiography. It’s not clear to me how November came to be National...
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Everybody is looking for a shortcut, but not every shortcut is smart. These AI writing fails show how short-sighted it is to replace writers with machines. I think we...
Syed Haider
Syed Haider 1 year ago
grear piece. Check out my articles too.
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