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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This is a Tribe for Classic Romance Revival Authors and their friends. If you are not a member of our group and would like to join us here, please contact me on [email protected]

The purpose of this group is committed and reciprocal promotion. That does require active participation. While some may post more than others, it's not the number of posts that counts but the willingness to come alongside and help one another.

Alone, I am but one. Together, I am one to the power of many. Have fun.
I write sensual historical romance where heroes meet their match in feisty heroines. Add a dash of adventure, a murder or two, a mystery or intrigue. What better time...
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So, for those of you who have read and enjoyed Kitty McKenzie, and the sequel Kitty McKenzie's Land, you'll be pleased to know that I've written a third book to do...
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Historical novels are so deeply researched they sometimes seem like non-fiction in disguise. And some readers consider that romance can kill the story dead. Even so, we...
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I really enjoy looking at historical fashion, especially from the Victorian and Edwardian eras which are the periods I set a lot of my novels.
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Charlotte McBain, daughter of a Scottish laird, spent a lonely, neglected childhood growing up in a fine castle in Kirkcudbrightshire and has no wish to be forced into...
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