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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

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the summer birds are keeningthe autumn birds are preeningfor there’s a whisper in the airand nature knows its meaning the leaves are turning red and brownthe...
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The first cold breath of wintercomes like an owl at nightthe silent swoop of speckled wingsthe joyful hoots of flight The cold descends upon youa shroud that you will...
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hand in hand and side by sidewe walk along the leaf-strewn patha rhythmic crunching matching stridewith the footfalls of the fading past our free hands hold the unlit...
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patches orange, patches redbound together with the threadthat stitches tales of starry nightsfilled with warm fires and ghostly frightsthe shrieks of children all...
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Title: The Smartest Guys in the Room Author: Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind Blurb: Today, Enron is the biggest business story of our time, and Fortune senior...
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