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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Writer, blogger and dedicated coffee drinker. Dental nurse by day and writer by night. I run a weekly blog with writing tips.
Don't you love it when you like almost every book you read? It seemed like every book I read was going to be one of my favorite books of May. April was a rough...
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A wife locked away in a safe room, a fortune-making family secret and a practical look at racism. My favorite books of February were diverse in subject. I read 10...
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You go to your editor because you're confused about how to best approach an upcoming story. Instead of providing guidance about the story's frame or talking you...
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There was a lot of therapy happening in my favorite fiction books of January, which is not all that surprising, given how much I love a thriller. I read 16 books in...
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It seemed difficult to concentrate in 2020. I discussed this with friends and others online, so I know I'm not the only one who couldn't seem to focus on much among the...
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