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  • Authors, Readers, and Blogging about Books


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is a forum for members to help promo each other's posts and books, as well as a place to chat about books we love. All genres welcome. Come on over and join the fun!
    Pets In Space® 5 is LIVE!It’s time for an escape! Get ready to fall in love with furry, scaly, and otherworldly pets in this fabulous anthology...
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It's after the New Year and I've finally completed my newest novel, a new adult thriller. The premise, a terrorist develops a devastating virus that can cripple...
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Devoid, the final book in my epic fantasy series, The Chosen of the Light, is now available on Amazon. In celebration, the previous two books in the series are on sale...
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After almost 20 years in the making, my book series, The Chosen of the Light, will finally be complete with the release of Devoid on March 10, 2019. The release...
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It's been a long time coming, but the wait is over. Introducing the cover for my third and final book in the Chosen of the Light Series. Devoid will be released in March...
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