Reach Blogger Tribe (Invite-only Tribe)
Tribe geared for businesses, entrepreneurs, and fellow dorks interested in all the things related to said biz and entrepreneurship. This tribe is about members that are committed to producing top quality content, and supporting your fellow tribe mates by checking in regularly and sharing what's relevant to your audience. You don't have to share everything, it's important to share stuff your peeps will dig, but if we focus this group well, something should come across your stream from every member at least once in awhile that is worth sharing to your audience.Whose in?
In Pursuit of Creativity
This headline has been in my drafts for awhile, teasing me with creativity that I want to pursue. But when? When is the time right to tune out...
7 days ago
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Best Books of 2017
Thank goodness for new books and my personal mentors who have helped my transition – and changed my life. I've spent the past year reading and thinking. Traveling and...
7 days ago
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5 Ways to Turn Millennials On with Instagram Marketing
5 Ways to Turn Millennials On with Instagram Marketing
Hi. My name is Jessica, and I’m an Instagram addict. It all began in 2011 because of Instagram’s ease of use...
7 days ago
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The Sales Funnel is Dead
Is sales funnel dead?
"the sales funnel is dead." whoa, thank you for sharing this uncomfortable insight! it seems the only people left talking about "sales funnels" are...
1 week ago
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Why Content Marketing is an Art
I tell people that I'm a writer instead of a marketer. Why? The term “marketer” can sometimes conjure spammy, promotional messaging, oversized t-shirts, and useless...
1 week ago
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