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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This is a Tribe which is mainly dedicated to book bloggers! The goal is to share our posts with everyone. We all tend to post daily, sometimes more sometimes less, but this is how we roll. If you blog about books, as a reviewer, an author/reviewer this is the place for you.

Please make sure you are checking in at least 3 times a week, preferably daily so you can approve the posts. If you are on more than one tribe, you probably already do this.

Members who do not log on for more than a month will be contacted in any way and means possible and given ample time to respond. Real life happens just let us all know. I know people get upset to see people blogging and having us share you but not bothering to log on to share us out.


The New Chief (I have a spoon and a crown and everything)
Kriss from Cabin Goddess
Have you ever wondered how to become a ghostwriter? My friend JB Favour, a ghostwriter and coach for aspiring ghostwriters, stopped by to explain how to become a...
Stacy 11 months ago
Thanks so much!
Girl Who Reads
Girl Who Reads 11 months ago
Schedule to go out on Twitter tomorrow.
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Author and book coach Meredith R. Stoddard is visiting today to share 5 essential research tips for fiction writers. I met Meredith because we both had chapters included...
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Have you ever been to an online writing retreat before? They can really make a difference in your writing career, and Iā€™m excited to tell you about one...
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Recently, I was featured on three podcasts for writers and book lovers, and wanted to tell you a little bit about each appearance. As you may know, I LOVE talking about...
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Are you struggling to figure out what mistakes to avoid when plotting your novel? Do you feel like your plots lack depth and direction, or as if your storyline is...
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