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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This Tribe is for Bloggers who exclusively blog about books. Please share regularly. I will check twice a month and remove anyone who hasn't shared for over 2 weeks. For special situations - leave a message in the chats.
 At the Readyby Sharon MichaloveAugust 28 - September 22, 2023 Virtual Book TourSynopsis:What happens when a hunky French-Canadian security executive falls for a...
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 25 to Lifeby John LansingAugust 21 - September 15, 2023 Virtual Book TourSynopsis:25 to Life is the fifth and latest installment in the Jack Bertolino series,...
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 Blindsided Justiceby Daniel RomanelloJuly 31 - September 8, 2023 Virtual Book TourSynopsis:DYLAN TOMASSI RETURNS IN THIS PROVOCATIVE THRILLERDylan Tomassi returns...
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Lost is a story of love, betrayal, honour, revenge, and everything in between. It’s also a love story that sets fire to the world they live in leaving them with no...
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 Deadly Depthsby John F DobbynJuly 24 - August 18, 2023 Virtual Book TourSynopsis:The death by bizarre means of his mentor, Professor Barrington Holmes,...
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