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  • Hazardous to Your Sanity Contributor Blog


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Contributor blog for shares from Hazardous to Your Sanity and their contributors. If you'd like to join as a blog contributor, please reach out to [email protected]
Claire knew that the secrets of the old asylum would not remain hidden for long.The following day, Claire and Ryan decided to revisit the abandoned asylum, determined to...
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Let's start with more apologies from me. I have no idea what my son brought home from work, but we have been so just will not go away. I am trying my...
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“You’re home,” Claire said with a smile, ignoring the glare Oliver was sending her way.“I am. You do realize this is a rather large place? That...
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As they stepped inside, the musty smell ofdecay filled their nostrils, and the silence was deafening. Claire's footstepsechoed ominously in the empty corridors, while...
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Ryan shrugged. He was a detective, not some home remodeling guru.Suddenly, a faint sound caught their attention. Claire and Ryan exchanged a knowing look before...
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