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Her Rodeo Masters by Anya Summers Excerpt Ignoring the roiling mass of coffee churning in her stomach, she approached her boss. Don gave her a ‘what now?’...
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3 rd Genuine blue topaz earrings (US only) 5 th Various swag items (3 winners – US only) The wonderful and talented authors who have made this giveaway...
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Healer's Fateby Beth CaudillLiam couldn't watch the ceremony that would mate Corliss to someone else. He could've challenged for her, but that meant fighting his...
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At some point, in the beginning of every writing journey, we authors wonder if we can really write a book. We ask ourselves:  Can I do this? And if I can, will I be...
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Give us an elevator pitch for your book.An incubus and two toddlers walk into a bar...wait. That's no joke. That's Cheyenne's life, and you weren't supposed to see them....
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