Alert! Due to changes to the Twitter API in early 2023, posting to Twitter via Triberr will no longer work since you're connected with the older (v1) version of the Twitter API. Please disconnect and reconnect your account with new V2 API Keys (full details here) to ensure posting to Twitter will continue to work.


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Romance writers, historical romance, shape shifters and more.

We are a group of authors who write romance, historical romance, shape shifters and more . All sub-genres welcomed.
We ask that you post to your blog a couple of times a week and that you sign in 3 - 4 times a week to Approve All post. Being part of a tribe is like being part of a team, we all benefit if everyone approves tribe mates post.
Only exceptions are promotional post (check my settings and content for the list), on vacation, if life events prevent you from doing so.
If something comes up please post and let us know. My contact email is [email protected] Thanks, Christine
stream-tribal A randomly drawn winner will receive a $25 Amazon/BN gift...
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 5 days ago
Sharing some from you today, will only comment on this one :)
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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rachel Demeter will award a copy of the ebook for Beauty of the Beast, the first book of...
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 5 days ago
Sharing some from you today, will only comment on this one :)
Norah Nadine Jursic
Norah Nadine Jursic 7 days ago
My twitter and Triberr had gotten hacked while I was away. I had to disconnect and create a new twitter and am now unable to determine how to get my Twitter (now a brand new account) account re-added - but, I shared your post.
× You need to have a Triberr account to leave a comment. Join Triberr One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/
× You need to have a Triberr account to leave a comment. Join Triberr One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/
× You need to have a Triberr account to leave a comment. Join Triberr
 Meander 1 - Reading - Have sjust started the releases from Books We Love LTD. Will be interested to see how they work out. Can't rate one of them since it's my...
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