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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe for sharing all things legal. We are a personal injury firm based in New York but are accepting active tribemates of all types of practice areas.
Construction workers sometimes face dangers on a daily basis. Even though there are many safety protocols construction sites have to adhere to, there are still...
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Hit-and-runs are one of the most frustrating kinds of motor vehicle accidents. Typically, regardless of the circumstances of an accident ranging from mild to...
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Summer is coming, and after a year of staying safe at home, many of us have admittedly gotten a bit out of shape. The covid vaccine rollout in New York is proving...
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As the summer approaches, most if not all Long Islanders who own a pool have started the process of opening their pools. Fortunately, the situation this summer is...
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As vaccinations continue to roll out and numbers decrease at an optimistic pace, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for New Yorkers. As of this...
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