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It’s Labor Day weekend as I write this. We just finished a family dinner and I sent home enough leftovers that the boys won’t need to cook for a few days....
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Writing that makes me think of an old Little River Band song that was popular when I was a little kid. Which seems appropriate, I suppose, since the things that made me...
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ElizabethAndrewsWrites.comWe had a couple really nice days this past week. Nice enough to turn off the a/c and open the windows. That hasn’t happened in quite a...
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ElizabethAndrewsWrites.comMy husband is a big fan of the movie Grumpy Old Men so I’ve seen it more than a few times over the years. A variation of the quote above...
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ElizabethAndrewsWrites.comIt’s hot here again, after a week that was so much nicer than the previous few, but I can see the end of the miserable hot season off in...
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