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  • Nancy S. Brandt, Fantasy Author

There’s layers to that “sort of” and it’s kind of boring. What’s important is that January Black and the Touch of Frost series are both LIVE, in ebook and...
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Are you social media weary? I know I am. Keeping track of what your favorite people are doing online is HARD. If you’re like me, you find a favorite platform and you...
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Like most people born in the 70s, the original Star Wars Trilogy has been a huge part of my life. But, a few days ago, I realized that it had a bigger impact on me as a...
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I watch more TV than I read books. It’s an embarrassing thing for a writer to admit, but I will here and now. I live and work on the opposite ends of a 25 mile drive,...
Jenn Nixon
Jenn Nixon 9 years ago
I love this show!
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I can be persuaded, from time to time, to change my mind in the presence of overwhelming evidence. Today, Chase Holfelder has convinced me that not only is “Have...
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