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In this post we are introducing the concept of inbound/content mapping: a framework that allows companies to create and describe their content marketing strategy on...
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You may have found yourself out of ideas when starting a new article, or you may have wondered if your new article was going to interest your audience. To write content...
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In this post, I’ll teach you how to create Google Analytics events for outbound link clicks happening on your website. This will allow you to track specific...
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Elokenz is celebrating its first year as a publicly available tool. We wanted to celebrate this by sharing two stories with you: Oh, and on page 3 we offer a...
Lisa Sicard
Lisa Sicard 7 years ago
Congratulations - I cannot believe it's been a year already! I've been enjoying using this tool - thank you!
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What is evergreen content? An evergreen publication stays fresh and relevant no matter the time of the year, for many years. Click To Tweet Just like evergreen...
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