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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This is a tribe for authors interested in and writing in the Regency Era. Posts about the historical period and books set during it are the main focus of the tribe. Topics related to writing and romance are encouraged, but not required.
18th Century Early.  Silk, Leather, and Linen Mules (shoes), European, and embroidered in Florentine Style. #shoes #georgianfashion #europe...
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 2 days ago
Sharing, will only comment on this one :)
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1811 January Red Merino Walking Dress, Or Pelisse, Or Redingote As Worn By Jane Austen. #JaneAusten #HistoricalFashion #RegencyFashion...
A Moment With Mystee
A Moment With Mystee 1 month ago
I guess I need to create a long post so I am sure that you see it just to let you know I shared our post :)
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1826–1829 ca. Pale Gold Cotton Dress With Red Embroidery, British. #RomanticEra #BritishHistory #HistoricalFashion
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Light-Hearted Look at An Older Lady’s Life In Jane Austen's Times. For Writers and Readers Of History. #Regency #JaneAusten
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“I remember who you are, Lady Melton,” Captain Belling said in a cold voice, barely glancing over his shoulder at them. “The only thing I don’t...
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