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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

Roses of Prose is a blog featuring 15 writers from various genres. Where romance is never out of season.

We do understand the the occasional need to take a brief break.

1. Write a real blog post article.

2. All tribemates approve posts for all tribe members. Don't join my tribes if you don't want to participate. )

3. Tribemates are only required to tweet one of your blog posts a day.

4. Tribemates do not have to tweet posts that Triberr labels PROMOTION.

5. Tribemates post regularly.

In May of 2010, a new blog made the scene. Several romance writers came together and created The Roses of Prose. We aren’t all original roses anymore. Some of the...
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Mandy regretted sniping at Dean before she’d even finished doing it, but she simply couldn’t help herself. If she was smart—correction, if his arrival...
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Dean Nichols peered through the snow spattered windshield at the emerging lights some distance ahead and hoped like hell there was room for him again in Mandy’s...
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She peered through the snow-spattered windshield at the neon sign and hoped like hell there was room at the inn.Mandy Nichols kept a tight grasp of the steering wheel as...
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Chapter TwoJoe Matthews breathed an internal sigh of relief as a look of determination settled across Charley’s features. Maybe she wouldn’t send them back...
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