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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

This tribe is for all writers to share! I get on here daily and share everything in my tribal stream. I love to promote authors and writers and look forward to helping expand everyone's reach!
The Planets: a scifaiku poetry collection is a literary journey through our solar system featuring poems inspired by the nine planets. All the scifaiku and...
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Wendy Van Camp published in The Starlight Scifaiku Review, Spring 2023 In this third issue of the annual journal, my two astropoetry scifaiku series appear: Cosmological...
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You've spent hours pouring your soul into your novel, weaving words into a tapestry of terror that will haunt your readers' dreams. But before you can unleash your...
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In this video we disembark Symphony of the Seas at the Port of Miami. If you're planning to disembark from this cruise ship in the future, I've got all the details on...
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Shepherdstown, West Virginia, is a small town said to be a hotbed of paranormal activity. The town was founded in 1762 and has a population of only about 1911...
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