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  • Startup Crowdfunding Tips & Strategies


Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

As technology continues to advance, startups are taking advantage of crowdfunding solutions for fundraising. What once started off as Kickstarter and Indigogo has now become a trend, where investors can even gain equity in return. Let's talk about it
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Investing in Oil Wells is easy with Energy Funders, an equity crowdfunding platform for energy projects. The idea of Energy Funders is based on maximizing returns while...
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An examination of the chart in the Forex market of the trading between the U.S. Dollar and the Canadian Dollar shows an almost free fall position for the value of the...
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While the U.S. is not now a great gas and oil producer, it does produce and has the wells to supply a large share of the world’s energy reserves. From the first oil...
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