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  • Success without Losing Your Soul

We want our kids to have an attitude of gratitude … and we want to be grateful, too. But it isn’t always easy. I’m a real fan of music to help with...
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Teaching children about fire safety is definitely important, but how do we teach it without unnecessarily frightening them? If you read my post about character education...
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The Lizzie Velasquez story breaks my heart … and makes it sing at the same time. I’m horrified at the way Lizzie was bullied. And I’m thankful that...
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I love the inspiration from Richard Louv on preventing nature-deficit disorder. I think we need time in nature now more than ever. Here’s a beautiful quote from...
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Throughout the past week, I’ve been listening and learning. And I plan to continue to do so. Black lives matter. And I want to help. Racism has reached a crisis...
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