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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

We are a blog engagers tribe. We support each other through comments and content sharing with our network
Perspective Ever felt like you were in a time warp? No? Just me? I don’t know that I have spoken much about this here. The stuff here has a general scope that...
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Different Skyscrapers I’m still stuck in the realm of building up a western town for Shadows of Brimstone. I say stuck but I actually enjoy the process (even...
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First House There was a meme that I ran across recently that summed up so much of my frustrations lately. The gist of the meme was Rage Against the Machine must have...
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Swamps of Death My birthday has come and gone, the last of my still not 50 birthdays. This is the last year that I live outside of that 5th decade and I don’t know...
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Building Dungeons I have been watching terrain creation videos and such for a long time now. Not as long as I have played games and what not but still its been a few...
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