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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

I created this tribe so that I could invite writers/readers who enjoy some of the same topics that I'm interested in. Some of those topics are: mental health, parenting, relationships, writing/editing, self-improvement/motivation, film, music, books, art (any of the arts, to be honest), and business, just to name a few. While great minds tend to think alike, I'm also interested in seeing things from other perspectives. So welcome and feel free to invite others who share similar interests with the tribe!
a variation of this was first seen in Perspectives, the AKC Delegate newsletter            Standard advice as we...
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A few weeks ago, Amazon held one of its Prime Shopping days. People filled their computers with great deals on ‘stuff’ and boxes rushed across the country....
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It’s taken a while to finish this blog, because…well, reasons. Biddy and I participated in three Agility trials last weekend. Three. I was so sure this...
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Who remembers when they first heard Eleanor Rigby? Did you smile sadly, knowing your life would never be like hers or Father Mackenzie’s? How do you feel about...
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“How can you live in the desert when you love gardening?” or “What’s it like to live with no water?”I’ve heard these questions and...
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