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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A tribe for writers of all genres, published/unpublished. All members are welcome to share ideas about writing, as well as how to improve writing skills. Members are also encouraged to share examples of their work with the tribe.
Affiliate links are used on this site. If you purchase from a link I will receive a small commission.What theme will I be doing with a kick off topic of angels and the...
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Happy New Year to all my followers, and may 2017 be prosperous, challenging (in a good way), and above all change you for the better! And if you’re likely making New...
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Merry Christmas to all of my followers! May the holiday season bring you love, happiness, and most of all time with loved ones! Thank you all for reading my posts and...
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I know it's been a while since I've written anything on here and for that I apologize. It's been a crazy busy year so far but I've still been writing. I've got a writing...
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Happy Thanksgiving to all my followers down south. As you settle in with loved ones over stuffing, yam, gravy and the big bird, take some time to be thankful for all the...
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