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9/11 is something that I experienced very much alone and have kept very much to myself. Two decades later, I still don’t talk about it much and when I do, I share...
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Recently I was told that I put myself "out there" too much, that I obviously wasn't over the effects of the years of abuse. Apparently I was weakening my position by...
Shikha Raina
Shikha Raina 3 years ago
its so true and relatable!!!
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Clear like water the tears flow into a silver flask,tarnished by the indifference of the masses.Tarnished by seeking to be more,gaining no more than the...
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Moving Forwards in a Backwards Direction.      That doesn't really sound very positive or encouraging a start at first read. Please bear...
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No sightof any wondersof the world,no beautiful thing,not anything,could mean as muchas to see your facelook gently at me again,no beautiful soundcould mean as muchas to...
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