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Two very different people. One scandalous proposition. Endless possibilities… I can’t believe how different things are now; how complicated my life has become in...
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I lower my own eyes with record speed—speed that I honestly didn’t think they possessed, darting my gaze away from his with a quickness when I catch him staring at...
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My feet are immediately frozen in place, almost as if they’ve been physically cemented to the floor. My legs feel foreign, like a pair of oversized ice blocks, their...
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My name is Bently Young. I wouldn’t say I’m an angry person. In fact my life had been like a bubble gum infused sundae topped with happiness sprinkles up until the...
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Good Morning everyone and merry Christmas! Hope you’ve all had a lovely day and It carry’s on like that through out the evening. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a...
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