
Dan Cristo

Fixed: Site slowness

This week was a little challenging in terms of site performance. Page have been loading very slowly. Here's what we did to fix it:
1) Our backup (replication) database sat on the same server as our web server. We moved it to it's own server to give our web services more resources
2) We streamlined some very slow queries
3) We added some performance monitoring so we can benchmark some of the slow query improvements
4) We moved both our database server and web server to new hardware at Rackspace. The hardware is much newer and faster

With all these improvements we're seeing pages that used to take 5 or 10 seconds to load are now loading in under a second.

Thanks so much for your patience with us this week as the site was sluggish. Every startup must continually deal with scalability issues, and we're thankful for having such a supportive community on Triberr

11 years ago