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Blogger Tribe (Public Tribe)

A place for writers and bloggers who love Contemporary Romance to share new books, blog posts, and romance that makes us swoon!
PREORDER ONLY EVER AFTER!Did you see the cover for ONLY EVER AFTER? It's so pretty! And perfect for River Bend's small town setting in Nebraska! I love, love, love it,...
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Giveaway ThursdayHaha, yes! I've made this a thing in my Fan Club on Facebook Come join us!You'll have a chance to win an EARLY ARC of Only Ever After, my upcoming...
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Do you Book+Main??? I've just posted an EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT for my upcoming release in the River Bend series, ONLY EVER AFTER.Just click on the Book+Main button above and...
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So...finally, right?! I've received messages in the last two years, asking when readers would get to see more from the River Bend series. It's a lovely idea, you know?...
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Is it possible to distill the main message from any book? Does it matter? One of the most beautiful aspects of books are the many ways they can be read, interpreted. I...
Penelope Silvers
Penelope Silvers 6 years ago
Interesting thoughts. I have a message I want to share, and sometimes it seems to come from the ether! ;) Added to queue.
Hans M Hirschi
Hans M Hirschi 6 years ago
Thanks for the comment, Ryan. I agree with you: writing is liberating, in more ways than one.
Ryan Biddulph
Ryan Biddulph 6 years ago
Each time I write an eBook or post Hans, or each time I read a book, I feel like I'm entering a new world. I cannot explain the feeling other than: freedom. My imagination expands. I see more clearly. I feel more honestly. Blogging and writing and reading have been blessings to me.
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